Square and Compasses Scottish Saltire Lodge Camelon 1456 Scottish Saltire Square and Compasses

Frequently Asked Questions About Freemasonry

What is Freemasonry?

Is Freemasonry a Secret Society?

Why do Freemasons have a Funny Handshake?

How does one become a Freemason?

What are the Qualifications for Membership?

Once a Member is it not Difficult to Leave?

Why are some Churches so Antagonistic Towards Freemasonry?

Why is Freemasonry a Unique Institution?

Want to more about Lodge Camelon?

Want to more about Freemasonry in Scotland?

Want to more about Stirlingshire Province?

What is Freemasonry?

This one of the most difficult questions to answer and even Freemasons themselves give differing definitions. This is probably due to the fact that Freemasonry does not impose any particular Dogma, has no Theology but simply attempts to guide members to a more moral way of life. 'Attempting to make good men better' is one definition.


Is Freemasonry a Secret Society?

Hardly! You are reading this are you not? The perception that Freemasonry is in some way secret has arisen relatively recently simply because Freemasons value their privacy. This is no different from many other organisations that keep their affairs private from people who are not members. If you asked a golf club, of which you are not a member, for details of the membership, committee minutes, etc. then you can safely assume the reply - should the club concerned be courteous enough even to answer. This basic right to privacy applies equally to Trades Unions, Private Clubs, Political Parties, Churches, etc. as well as to individuals.


Why do Freemasons have a Funny Handshake?

Freemasonry is a very old society that pre-dates many present day institutions. The earliest Masonic records are to be found in Scotland and date from a time when members of Lodges were mainly illiterate. As stone masons had to travel all over the country, and occasionally overseas, some simple method of recognition had to be devised in order to secure employment appropriate to the degree of skill of each individual. Modern day Freemasonry continues that practice. Other organisations use different methods to identify between those who are members and those who are not. A membership card is the most common form and instantly shows that one is a member of a particular society etc. A membership card, or anything in writing, would have been useless to an illiterate stone mason. Freemasonry is a very traditional institution, proud of its history and what it stands for. It simply continues to use practices established centuries ago.


How does one become a Freemason?

Usually by asking another Freemason. It is a general rule, in Scotland, that a Freemason will not solicit men for membership. There are occasions when a member of the family, a close personal friend, will be asked but this is a matter for the individual Freemason concerned. If you do not know a freemason or are unaware if you know one then contact the the Lodge Secretary at webmaster1456@blueyonder.co.uk.


What are the Qualifications for Membership?

There are several. An applicant must believe in a Supreme Being but Freemasonry will not provide any further definition and the nature of that Being must be determined by the applicant himself. The applicant must be an upright man of good moral character and be at least twenty-one years old. He must not have a criminal record. He must be able to meet his financial commitments to his family before those to Freemasonry.


Once a Member is it not Difficult to Leave?

Freemasonry is a voluntary organisation and once a member there is no pressure to continue to participate. Indeed men join and subsequently find it is not to their taste or is not what they had envisaged and so cease to be active members. Whilst it is sad that Freemasonry is unable to meet the applicant's aspirations, in such cases, it will not stand in the way of anyone's decision to leave.


Why are some Churches so Antagonistic Towards Freemasonry?

Quite simply that question should be directed elsewhere. Freemasonry will not make any comment regarding any particular belief system, religious, political or otherwise. It will certainly make no comment on another organisation's internal affairs as that is their own business.


Why is Freemasonry a Unique Institution?

In many ways it is not. There are other organisations in existence that also value their privacy. It may be because Freemasonry is so popular that it attracts a greater degree of attention than these other organisations. Historically Freemasonry was but one institution among many. For instance there were the Free Gardeners, Free Shepherds, Free Carpenters, Free Colliers, etc. which were organised along similar lines to Freemasonry and taught morality by way of their own ritual plays and symbolism. Most of these organisations no longer exist leaving Freemasonry as the only example of this once common form of society or association.


Want to more about Lodge Camelon?

Some Lodges have contact Forms, some don't. Lodges preference is not to as they are felt to be too formal. In Lodge Camelon we would rather you told us what you want either by email or by direct contact.
Below is the Secretaries e-mail address who will attend to your enquiry and forward to the relevant person.
Should you prefer don't hesitate to contact any of the Office Bearers of the Lodge who I am sure would also assist you.

Secretary - H Graeme Russell email webmaster1456@blueyonder.co.uk


Want to more about Freemasonry in Scotland?

Click here


Want to know more about the Province of Stirlingshire?

Click here for the main page of their web site.

Click here for details of the Lodges in the Province.

Click here for the main Provincial contacts.
