Square and Compasses Scottish Saltire Lodge Camelon 1456 Scottish Saltire Square and Compasses

Message from the Right Worshipful Master


rbOn behalf of the Right Worshipful Master Brother Robert Baird, I would thank all the Brethren of the  Lodge and all the visiting Brethren for their support during the year. I would wish all a very pleasant summer recess and we look forward to meeting and greeting you all again in September. 

Have a nice one.

Lodge Camelons Next Meeting

The first meeting of the new season at Lodge Camelon will be on Thursday 12th September 2024. It will be a Entered Apprentice Degree conferred by the RWM and the Office Bearers of Lodge Dolphin No 911.


RWM Bro Robert Baird extends a warm and cordial invitation to all qualified Brethren to attend.


The Lodge will tyle at 7:30pm.


OB's please note there will be a General Committee on Wednesday 15th May 2024 and another on Thursday 22nd August 2024.