Square and Compasses Scottish Saltire Lodge Camelon 1456 Scottish Saltire Square and Compasses

Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Lodge will be on Thursday 25th April 2024 and will be a Mark Master Mason Degree conferred by the RWM and the Office Bearers of the Lodge. all those wishing to take the Mark to be present at the Lodge for 7:00pm

Take Time Brother
I see you at the meetings, but you never say hello.
You’re busy all the time, with men you already know.
I sit amongst the fellows, still I’m a lonely guy.
The new ones sit there with me, while you quickly pass me by.
But gosh you guys have asked us in, and you talk of fellowship.
You could just step across the room, but you never make the trip.
Why can’t you nod and say hello, or stop and take my hand.
Then go and join your other friends, now that I understand.
I’ll be at your next meeting, on that you can depend.
So won’t you introduce yourself, I want to be your friend.

For full syllabus details click here.