Easter Egg Appeal 2019
The Annual Lodge Easter Egg appeal organised by Past Master Brother Donny Wright was once again a great success and donations were made to the following, Tayavallay House Camelon 200 eggs and £285 towards kids Summer Trips, Raploch Project 91 eggs, Grahamston BBs 40 eggs, Thistle Wing Kinnaird School 50 eggs, Timezone Project Maddiston 30 eggs, Young Adults Training Grangemouth 55 eggs, Howgate Appeal 50 eggs, Langlees Food Support 50 eggs and £50 cash, Kersiebank Food Bank 32 eggs and £50 cash, Falkirk Food Bank 40 eggs.
A big thank you to the following for their support and donations, Brethren of Lodge Camelon 1456 , Lodge Callendar 588, Lodge St John 16, Lodge Carron 139, Lodge Slamannan 484, Lodge Zetland 391, Sir William Wallace Grand Lodge of Free Colliers, Alec Jack of AJ Glass, and the Past Master Donny Wright.