Square and Compasses Scottish Saltire Lodge Camelon 1456 Scottish Saltire Square and Compasses

Lodge Camelons Newest Honorary Member

At the  Regular meeting of the Lodge was held Thursday 24th March 2022 the Right Worshipful Master Brother Iain Clark conferred upon Bro Alistair T Marshall Honorary Membership of the Lodge.

Alistair is currently the Immediate Past Provincial Grand Master.

He was initiated into Lodge Zetland No. 391 on 15th January 1974 and Master thereof from 1987 to 1989. He was also the Master of Lodge Pioneer No 1305 from 1997 to 1998 and currently the Secretary and Almoner to the Widows Sons.

He was Provincial Grand Lodge Almoner from 1990 until 2004 some 14 years, Substitute Provincial Grand Master to Brother John McKenzie from 2005 till 2010 and Depute Provincial Grand Master to Brother Andrew McKinnon from 2010 to 2015 and was installed as Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of Stirlingshire on the 20th June 2015 and retired rather abruptly in 2020 and now he is Past It.

He has on a number of occasions been part of the Lodges history. He was an Installing Master in 1998 and he proposed several toasts at Lodge Camelon Dinners. In particular and probably the most notable he proposed the toast to the Lodge at our 50th Anniversary in the year 2000.

The RWM also recalled that there was one year a Past Master of this Lodge personally offered to pay Past Provincial Grand Master McKenzie’s travel costs, to come up from down south, if it would stop him from representing the Provincial Grand Master at one of those dinners.

Alistair, is a very well respected Brother and it was with great pleasure that the Lodge conferred Honorary Membership on him, almost two years late as it was intended to present Alistair with this honour on his last official visitation as Provincial Grand Master in April of 2020.

Congratulations Alistair, well deserved.