Brother Steven RM Conlin
Brethren - it is with great sadness that I have
to advise you of the passing of Brother Steven Robert Marshall Conlin, Past
Master, who passed to the Grand Lodge Above on Friday 12th March
Brother Steven was
initiated into Lodge Camelon
No 1456 on the 26th February 1981 and was Master of the Lodge from 12th
October 1995 for two years .
He was and still is the youngest Master of the Lodge.
After the Chair he was IPM, then Sub Master. He was subsequently
installed into the Office of Director of Ceremonies on the 13th October
2005, a post he held until he passed, some 16 years.
Past Master Conlin was awarded Distinguished Membership of
the Lodge on Thursday 24th January 2019.
Our deepest sympathy and condolences go out to
Stevens family at this sad time.
Bro Steven RM Conlin
RWM 1995 - 1997
Bro Steven Conlin DSM